Thursday, November 1, 2012

This world is full of changing standards, which makes marriage not to be in high esteem. Many couples stay together until their physical attraction wanes or problems arise some times not even serious problems and then they separate or divorce.Sadly,traumatized children are often left in the wake of marriage troubles. It is important to note that nowadays qualities that bind families together are lacking namely - loyalty, genuine love, and natural affection. Does this erosion of values and its effects on family life concern you? Do you hold marriage in high esteem?

The following five keys can make a world of difference in any marriage:

1. Marriage should be recognize as a union ordained by God. What is God's view about divorce? God viewed marriage as a sacred union. He frowned seriously at divine and separation. Couples should be faithful to each other just as God wants believers to be faithful to him. Malachi 2:14-16. Clearly, show that God does not take a casual view of marriage ; he takes note of how husbands and wives should treat each other.

2. Husband should be responsible.
How should an husband treat his wife? When important family matters arise, someone has to make the final decision. Husbands are assigned the role of decision taking. The husband is the head of the family. In like manner, the husband is to honour his wife and consult her on family matters. Husband should provide the necessary things that will make the family successful.

3. Wife should be supportive.
The wife complement the husband in all ways.She supplies important qualities to the marriage and does not compete with the husband but gives a loving support, thus promoting peace within the family.Likewise, the wife should feel free to express her opinions in a dignified, respectful matter, just as she would like her husband to speak to her.

4. Expect challenges and be realistic.
Marriage are put to test by thoughtless or unkind words, financial problems, serious illness, or the stress of raising children. There are challenges in marriage but tribulations or trials need not weaken a marriage . Godly wisdom is the main means to resolving potential decisive issues.

5. Faithfulness should be the watch word.
Few things do more to undermine a marriage success than fornication, or sex outside the marriage, which is the only basis for divorce acceptable to God. What can couples do to help them avoid being tempted to look outside the marriage for sexual satisfactions? Husband should render to his wife her due ,but let the wife also do likewise to her husband.

Finally, it is pertinent to note that some might consider these five keys old- fashioned. But the results say otherwise. In fact, they are similar to the results that come to a person who looks unto God for divine guidance in all aspects of life including marriage. Surely, the wisdom of God is the surest answer to man's marital troubles or challenges on earth.

Adeyeye Adeniran
To read more about marriage, visit

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